
Mother Fatally Shot In The Head In Kroger’s Parking Lot After Spitting At Woman During Argument


A 26-year-old mother from South Carolina was fatally shot after an argument in a Kroger’s parking lot on Valentine’s Day.

Alexandria Cress Borys was killed around 4:30 p.m., following an argument in the parking lot of a grocery store. Authorities say that Borys was shot in the head after she allegedly spit at the suspect.

23-year-old Christina Harrison left the scene and was later taken into custody after turning herself in at close to 5:30 p.m. She is facing murder and weapons charges.

Authorities believe that the two women didn’t know each other prior to the altercation.

Borys was in nursing school and was a mother to a 2-year-old son who was in the vehicle when she was killed.

A GoFundMe campaign, set up by Borys’ husband to help with expenses, has generated more than $23,000.


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