
Dallas Woman Killed After Being Ran Over by Greyhound Bus in Downtown


A woman has died after she was struck by a Greyhound bus while crossing the street in Downtown Dallas just after midnight last night.

Dallas Police Department and Dallas Fire-Rescue responded to Elm St. and N Lamar St. for a Pedestrian Struck call at 12:06 am. Paramedics arrived and found a woman, who had been hit by a bus leaving the terminal, deceased at the scene.

The Greyhound bus, which was heading to Monterrey Mexico, was turning from Lamar Street onto Westbound Elm Street. According to police, the driver of the bus did not see the woman, who was crossing at the proper crosswalk, and ran her over with the rear tires of the bus.


  1. How the hell do you get ran over by the rear of a bus. No wonder the driver didn’t see her. He was looking forward not behind him. So sad for the family. But we have to state the Obvious here.

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