
Police Officer Quits After Camera Footage Shows Him Body Slamming Woman


Officer Timothy Holbrook of the Oakwood Police Department, in Hall County, Georgia, has resigned to prevent termination, authorities say.

“We informed the officer that the level of proposed punishment was going to be termination,” said Police Chief Tim Hatch.

The choice to fire Holbrook came after he took Annie Lloyd down to the ground by body slamming her. The incident was captured on police camera as she was apprehended in October 2022.

Lloyd reported that she was too intoxicated to drive, thus, she called the police for assistance. Hatch states that the footage and witnesses’ accounts show that excessive force was used.

“It was critical piece of evidence we looked at, several videos actually were involved in the case,” Hatch said.

On Monday night, Lloyd said that she was still healing from her injuries. She is happy with the outcome of the investigation.

“I was ecstatic. I hope this never happens to anybody else…,” she stated.

Hatch expressed early in the case that he wanted transparency in the matter.

Holbrook gained employment with the department this summer, but now, he can no longer be rehired.

Hatch added that Holbrook’s file has been sent to the Georgia Peace Officers’ Standards and Training Council, which can determine if an investigation into his law enforcement certificate will happen.


  1. He will go work at another police department. Is why he quit, he knows he can get away with it. No justice was done, he needs to be in prison.

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