
‘CannaBus’ Will Travel Through Texas, Educating Residents On Medical Marijuana Laws


This October, a mobile cannabis dispensary will take a tour around Texas in an effort to provide information about medical marijuana laws.

Goodblend, an Austin-based company, will operate a 36-foot bus, named the “CannaBus.” It will contain a private consultation area, display various products, and include an outside education exhibition.

Goodblend is one of the three licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in Texas. Their goal for the “Ride For Your Rights” Tour is to ensure that those who reside in Texas are aware of the procedures to obtain a medical marijuana prescription.

“The medical cannabis program will never change unless Texans stand up and make it change…We hope the support rallies will convince Texas policymakers that there’s strong public demand for real, lasting change,” stated the CEO of Goodblend’s parent company.

Right now, there are over 150 approved conditions that are eligible for the Texas Compassionate Use Program that allows individuals to use low-THC cannabis.

Last year, House Bill 1535 went into effect. It allowed those who are experiencing PTSD and various forms of cancer to have access. Reports indicate that less than 30,000 people are signed up for the program. However, many more patients are probably eligible.

The ‘CannaBus’ Tour will start in San Angelo on October 4. It will make an appearance in Fort Worth on October 8 and Plano on October 10.


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