
Restaurant Files Lawsuit Against Customer Who Took Back A $3,000 Tip


Alfredo’s Pizza Cafe, in Scranton, Pennsylvania, has filed a lawsuit against a customer. This came after the man left one of their waitresses a $3,000 tip. The establishment is well-known for being mentioned on the comedy series, ‘The Office.’

The waitress, Mariana Lambert, was thrilled when the customer left the huge tip. She even stated that she felt as though she had won the lottery.

That was until the customer, identified as Eric Smith, decided he wanted his tip money returned to him. Because of that, the restaurant has decided to sue.

Smith had paid for a stromboli, which was $13.25, with his credit card. He then put down the large amount for the tip and added a note that read, “Tips for Jesus.”

Smith later told reporters that his gesture was a part of a social media movement called Tips for Jesus. He said that he takes pride in surprising servers with a generous amount of money.

“It really meant a lot to me because everyone is going through stuff,” the server stated.

However, later Smith disputed the charges with his credit card company, but the waitress had already been paid the $3,000 by the restaurant.

The restaurant tried unsuccessfully to contact Mr. Smith, thus, charges have now been filed.

“It’s just a little aggravating right now. It’s been causing a lot of nonsense and drama. Unfortunately, we had to file charges…because now, we’re just out of this money, at this point,” said the manager Zachary Jacobson.

The manager added that the server is a hardworker and is ‘worthy of the money.’ He says that the occurrence was a “nice piece of PR’ for a small business.

“I hope that he owns up to his actions and comes forth and does pay this because you shouldn’t have done this if this was the end result,” Jacobson noted.


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