
Father Arrested After Trying To Throw His Baby Off Highway Overpass


35-year-old Raheem Murphy has been charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping, false imprisonment, unlawful restraint, assault of a police officer, and more.

This came after the Philadelphia Police Department and Pennsylvania State Troopers determined that he threatened the life of his child and the child’s mother, his ex-partner. They added that Murphy threatened a witness who tried to assist and assaulted an officer who had come to the scene and attempted to apprehend him.

On Thursday, Murphy had been in a domestic dispute with the woman and possessed a gun. He said that he would end the baby’s, mother’s, and his own life.

He then took the mother and child, unwillingly, to I-95, exited the vehicle, got the baby out, and said he would throw the child off the overpass.

A witness, Christine King, then tried to help. She attempted to grab the baby from Murphy as he held on tightly, not letting the baby go. He then threatened to shoot her.

When Murphy wasn’t paying attention, the child’s mother was able to grab his weapon out of his pocket. King and the mother of the child then attempted to talk to Murphy to get him down and give the baby over.

Eventually, authorities arrived as the father still held on to the baby. They were able to bring the situation to an end without anyone being harmed.

Murphy is now in custody on a $1.5 million bond. He is prohibited from coming in any further contact with the mother and the child.


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