
Woman Writes Letter to Judge Hoping to Reduce Sentence of the Kidnapper who Raised Her


A woman who was kidnapped as an infant requested a reduced sentence for the convicted kidnapper who raised her since she was a baby.

Kamiyah Mobley, 23, was kidnapped as a newborn baby by Gloria Williams.

Williams, posing as a nurse, befriended Mobley’s 15-year-old pregnant mother. She then abducted Mobley minutes after birth in July 1998.

Williams raised Mobley as her own daughter in South Carolina under the false identity Alexis Manigo.

A Florida judge sentenced Williams in 2018 to 18 years behind bars on kidnapping and interfering with custody charges.

Williams, who is currently in prison, recently filed a motion to have her sentence cut in half. In Williams’ motion it included a handwritten letter from Mobley.

In the letter Mobley vouched for her kidnapper, saying she raised her properly. She claims she was provided a well-rounded life by her “mother” and is college educated.

Williams, who had pleaded guilty to the kidnapping, testified that she had “suffered a devastating miscarriage and was exhibiting symptoms conducive to postpartum depression” before abducting Mobley.

After discovering Mobely’s whereabouts, authorities reunited her with her biological parents.

Mobley’s biological father, Craig Aiken, does not side with his daughter on a lesser sentence.

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