
Ex-Pastor Guilty Of Sexual Misconduct With Teen During Missionary Trip


Eric Tuininga, 44, is an ex-Orthodox Presbyterian Church pastor from Georgia. He was performing missionary work in Uganda when he sexually assaulted a 14-year-old girl. He has pleaded guilty in court.

Tuininga could receive 30 years in prison with supervised release for life. He may also have to pay a $250,000 fine. Additionally, Tuininga must register as a sex offender when he is let out of federal prison. This comes after he pleaded guilty to engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places. He is being held in custody while awaiting sentencing.

Tuininga confessed to getting to know the girl as he was a religious leader and she would come by the church, in Georgia, where he would be working. This also involved a religious compound that he led. He admitted to having illicit sexual conduct with the girl.

Tuininga was one of the religious leaders from the U.S.-based OPC in Mbale, Uganda. A U.S. citizen had filed a complaint in 2019, accusing Tuininga of having sex with minor Ugandan girls who were a part of his ministry.

When he came back to the U.S., Tuininga was removed from the OPC Prebytery of the Northwest. In 2019, he was also deposed and dismissed from the ministry altogether.


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