
Grand Prairie Teacher Needs Money From The Community For Surgery


A teacher in Grand Prairie is reaching out to her beloved community in her time of need and the continuous pandemic.

Amber Mendoza, a Grand Prairie elementary school teacher, has created a GoFundMe in order to generate funds for a surgery that is necessary.

Because she doesn’t have the funds, she is enlisting the help of others.

“As a lifetime member of the community here in Grand Prairie, I thought I’d reach out to my community for help. For the last 20 years, I have had normal well-woman checkups.

I was supposed to go June 2021, but due to COVID, I went 6 months later. It came back abnormal. I went back for a biopsy. It showed a significant amount of abnormal cells. If it is not removed, then it will be cancerous.

My two options are a LEEP procedure which means the cells are carved out, and I go every six months to make sure everything is good. The next option is to remove the uterus. There is 0% chance of a reoccurrence. Considering I am 38, and I am done having children, I’m opting to remove my uterus.

I will be off work for 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I don’t have short-term disability. I only have 2 weeks of paid leave to use. This means the other two weeks will be unpaid. I would GREATLY appreciate any help I can possibly get. My out-of-pocket expense is about $4,000. Then I’ll still have two weeks unpaid.”

Thank you, Amber.

1 Comment

  1. This isn’t a picture of the teacher. There’s no link to the go fund me. This comes of a a copy and paste for advertising revenue.

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