
New York Man Accidentaly Shoots Himeslf And Blames An Imaginary Person


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Arthur Palombo, a 20 year old Bronx, New York resident apparently shot himself in the stomach and tried to blame it on an imaginary black guy.
Evidently Palombo told police originally he was meeting a guy at the Williamsbridge Oval Park to look at and purchase an old revolver he was trying to sale. He claimed that the black buyer and he were going back and forth over a $100 asking price and that’s when the man shot him in the stomach for not budging on the price.
Palombo who is a Hispanic male was taken to the hospital for non life threatening injuries and after being released police brought him in to the station to be questioned again because they had found no evidence or witnesses to the crime. Eventually after hours of interrogation Palombo broke down and told police he made the whole story up because the gun was in his coat pocket and went off.
The man was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm and filing a false police report. His bail is set at $10,000.

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